Naruto: The Next Generation
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Naruto: The Next Generation

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 Naruto: The Next Generation Chapter 1

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Sam Uchiha

Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-12-10

Naruto: The Next Generation Chapter 1 Empty
PostSubject: Naruto: The Next Generation Chapter 1   Naruto: The Next Generation Chapter 1 I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 4:22 pm

Chapter 1: The Dream

Sam twisted and turned in his bed as he dreamed, he was sweating a lot, and his breathing was heavy he laughed an evil laugh, he was dreaming about the same thing he has always dreamed about, he has lost control of his anger and as if some beast within him took over, he was killing everything and everyone, the strange thing was that this wasn’t a nightmare, he wasn’t afraid,…he liked to kill, he enjoyed it. His dream continued on, until he woke up to the first ray of light, he opened his eyes, but he didn’t move he just lay there in his bed, he was thinking, thinking about his dream, about his life, about blood, the blood he had spilled, not only in his dream but in his past fights, all those people he killed, without a second thought, he was too tired to count all of them.

He got up and rubbed his face, and then walked out of his room quietly and snuck into the bathroom down the hall. He ran his hands through a little bit of water, then he briefly ran then through his hair, he ruffed his hair up and bit, and closed the tap. Sam was 13, he was at the age where he was too lazy to actually comb his hair, but in his case it was understandable, considering the fact he had a lot of hair, he kept it long, he would never comb it, and it was so long it went past his eyes a lot of the time, he would usually just blow it out of his face with his breath. Sam was tall, about 5’8’’, he was well built, muscular, his skin was tanned, the color of dark sand, he had unusually large hands for his age and size, his nose was broad, like his shoulders, but this body build was typical of a member of the Uchiha Clan. Sam’s full name was Sam Uchiha, he was an incredibly powerful ninja-in-training, and his Sharingan alone has copied over 120 Jutsus from different elements, which is amazing for his age, but his most famous move though, is his Chidori. Chidori or Thousand Birds, is a Jutsu which allows the user to mold his chakra into a lightning shaped ball in his hand, it is an incredibly powerful move which can cut through anything, it has also gone by the name Lightning Edge because it was once used to cut through lightning, it is aptly named because it makes a sound like thousands of chirping birds. Sam walked out of the bathroom and headed into the hall he walked back into his room, he put on his shirt, and then changed from his track pants into a pair of jeans, he always wore a pair of blue jeans, it was his thing; he only wore shorts during the summer, even though he never got cold, ever.

He walked out of his room and down the stairs and into his kitchen and sat down at the table, after closing the kitchen door behind him of course, he grabbed a bowl, and some cereal, he poured them into his bowl along with some milk. As he started to eat he thought about the dream he had. He loved waking up early in the morning, it gave him time to be alone and think, not about anything specific just think, as his Science of Jutsus teacher said, ‘if you don’t reflect on life, you’ll never learn’. How right she was, Sam thought as he remembered the feeling of anger he had in his dream, it was like someone had taken over him, and made him kill everyone, his friends and family, he was destroying the whole city, and nothing could stop him, the idea scared him, yet at the same time intrigued him, part of him loved having all that power, he shook his head, a ninja should not strive for personal power, his duty is not to himself but to his village and the country he protects, those were the words of his old teacher, Hayes-Sensei, she was one of Sam’s favorite teachers, unfortunately he had left the old academy, he had to graduate, it’s not like they could hold him back, especially when they had no reason to, he was one of the best students in a hundred years, Sam was the Country of Fire’s Number One Rookie in One Hundred Years.

Sam finished his cereal, he got up, grabbed his lunch and stuffed it in his bag, he then checked the time, 7:30, perfect he ahs an hour till classes start at his new ninja academy. He ran out the door and down the street, he ran in and out of cars, dodging them when necessary, on top of being strong he was fast, really fast, he was one of the top ten fastest ninja in Konoha, he kept running, he was almost there, he stopped right in front of the academy, hew as here.

Sam ran to the back field, when he got there he didn’t see many people, he looked around more, he could see 4 other people, one was his friend Andrew, one was somewhat of a rival to Sam, his name was David, even though he never had anything against David, every time he looked at David, something inside of Sam took over, this voice kept telling Sam to hate him, and as much as Sam wanted to make friends, and no matter what he did, he always ended up listening to the voice, he shook his head again, he then looked at the other 2 people, they were both his friends, Alan and Alex, he ran up to his three friends, he stopped and smiled, “hello, Andrew, Alan, Alex” he said, his voice was deep, which really adds to his serious guy persona. “hey Sam” replied Andrew, Andrew was the same age as Sam, and the same height too, in fact they were a lot like each other, the only differences between them were their families and their Bloodline Limits.

Andrew’s full name was, Andrew Hyuuga, he was a member of the Hyuuga Head Family, and his Bloodline Limit was the infamous Byakuugan, Andrew favored his Byakuugan so much, that he practically walks through the halls with it, Sam and his other friends got so used to seeing the Byakuugan that they don’t even notice the bulging veins near Andrew’s eyes anymore and they barely recognize that he’s even used Byakuugan until he announces it.

“Hey Sam” said Alan and Alex, Alan and Alex are cousins and they are very close they are different from most ninja as they don‘t use Ninjutsus or Genjutsus, in fact they don’t come from any major noble families or have any Bloodline Limits, but they do have a skill passed down through all the members of the Aburame Clan, they can control bugs. The Aburame Clan, is especially known for their closeness with insects, the members of the Aburame Clan give their bodies to the bugs they control at birth, the Aburame control the bugs and command them to do their bidding, on one condition, the Aburame must give the bugs a home and an unlimited food source, their own chakra, the Aburame let the bugs live inside their bodies and allow the bugs to feed off their chakra, that is why they don’t use jutsus often, but the jutsus they do use are powerful.

“So Andrew, how’s it going?” asked Sam, Sam always asked this when he was with Andrew, it was the first thing he said, but this was natural, because Andrew and Sam are from two ancient noble families they’re families can sometimes have misunderstandings, so when Sam asked Andrew how it was going, he was asking if the Hyuuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan we’re planning on warring with each other soon. “nothing really” Andrew replied, this was his way of saying there isn’t going to be a war between the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans, after this he would usually start talking about his own life, “I’ve learned a new jutsu, I can show it to you, here we’ll spar together” said Andrew as he walked away from the wall and onto the field, Sam followed him they stood apart from each other, readied themselves into a stance, “ready….go” said Andrew as he ran towards Sam, Sam just stood there, Andrew was slightly confused but he kept going until he was right in front of Sam, he stopped he preformed a complicated combination of seals, still Sam just stood there, still confused Andrew finished the seals and prepared his jutsu, “8 Trigrams: Sixty-four Palms!!!” he said rushing at Sam. Sixty-four Palms, a devastating jutsu used by Hyuuga Clan members, it allows the user to channel chakra to his or her hands, then user then uses their Byakuugan to sense the location of the opponents Tenketsus, or chakra holes, the user then strikes all of the Tenketsus, in a patter like way. First the strike with both their palms at once, then they strike four times, then eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two, and finally sixty-four times, this is how the jutsu got its name, because of the unique striking pattern of palms. Andrew rushed up to Sam, who still had not moved, Andrew begun the strikes, “8 Trigram two palms!,…four palms!!,…eight palms!!!,…sixteen palms!!!!,…thirty-two palms!!!!!,…SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!!!!!!” Andrew said while striking Sam, Sam’s body hit the ground, “something’s not right, Sam never goes down that fast” Andrew said, he was right shortly after Sam’s body hit the ground, a puff of white smoke surrounded it, and a log appeared in it’s place, “a replacement jutsu?!” said Andrew shocked, “when did he have the time to-” Andrew never finished that sentence, because Sam ran up behind him, and kicked him in the back, sending Andrew flying into a tree, “never underestimate the power of a replacement” said Sam as he stood right behind the spot where Andrew just was.

Sam walked over to Andrew, he held out his hand, he help pull Andrew up off the ground, Sam smiled blowing the hair out of his face, “whenever I go into battle against a strong opponent, I always use the Replacement Jutsu, it insures they use up their strong begging moves before they actually fight me, it’s like a shelter which protects me from damage,….” he looked at the sky, then at Andrew, then at the log he used as his replacement, “that was a good move, I’d use that in the next match you have, it’s deadly, and it’ll end the fight fast, but be careful, your Byakuugan may be able to see all of the body’s Tenketsus, but if your too focused on the chakra holes, you might not be able to notice your opponent heading into your blind-spot, come on let’s go back to the others” Sam said as he and Andrew shook hands.

As Sam got back to Alan and Alex, he looked back at the once empty yard, it was a little more full, but maybe by ten or twenty more people at least, but one person in particular caught his eye, Sarah. Sarah Marton was her full name, she wasn’t from any of the noble clans, but she was fairly strong, she was a good friends of Sam’s they had been friends for only two years and they had trusted each other as if they had known each other for their whole lives, but in truth even though they had only been friends for 2 years they had known each other for twice as long.

Sam and Sarah met four years ago at an academy which taught young ninja speed, at first they hated each other they were rivals, and the worst kind at that, but eventually Sam and Sarah got close and became friends, Sam at one point used to like her, but unfortunately she declined him, Sam got over it and continued to live his life, her and Sam are still friends, but after Sam got over Sarah his somewhat of a rival, David, asked her out, now surprisingly to him she said yes, but Sam didn’t care, it didn’t affect anything. Sam always saw Sarah as a strong ninja, her speed was okay, and the rest of her statistics were average, she was one of the few who had mastered a summoning jutsu at her age, she had the ability to summon foxes, she was like a mirror of Sam, mainly due to the fact he can summon wolves, and she takes a different branch of canine, at least that’s what Sam always thought.

Sam looked away and looked back at Alan, Andrew saw Sam glance at Sarah, ‘he did that often but he couldn’t have still liked her,…could he, he’s probably just worried for her that’s all, Sam could never show any real feelings, except for anger, and he’s been showing a lot of that lately’ thought Andrew, he turned to Sam and spoke, “hey Sam can I ask you something?”, Sam nodded he didn‘t look at Andrew, “you…you still don’t like Sarah do you?”, Sam turned to Andrew and gave him a look that said No, but in a fierce way. Andrew could see the anger welling up in Sam, and he didn’t need his Byakuugan to see either, it was as if this aura of anger had surrounded Sam, it was kind of scary. Andrew took a few steps back, “sorry just asking” he said, as he stopped a few feet away from Sam. Sam turned away and looked at Alan, Andrew wondered why Sam was so angry, ‘he’s been really angry lately…but why’, Andrew was consumed with this thought, he kept staring at Sam, he decided to see what was on Sam’s mind, he decided to activate the Byakuugan, he preformed the hand seals, horse-tiger-boar-rabbit-rat-horse-dog-rabbit-tiger-rat-boar-dog-semi tiger, he had finished the seals and had ended the way he was taught, with his index finger up, “Byakuugan” he could see it, his whole body was red, red with anger, Andrew looked away, “I have never seen someone that angry, I never thought it was possible” he walked back to Sam as the bell rang, “let’s go, it’s time to get nagged by our sensei for the next hour” they walked and Andrew, who had still had his Byakuugan active could see the anger mover around, but he could also see something else, an eye!. The eye glared at him, it was big and yellow, Andrew quickly looked away, ‘this is crazy’, he thought, ‘what the hell was with that eye’
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